’s Legal Blog Watch recently noted a viral Facebook photo involving a “footlong” sandwich that appeared to be less than 12 inches long: Citing a post from Today where restaurant customers were posting pictures of footlong sandwiches,, Legal Blog Watch asked whether a class action or two or three would soon follow. One might reasonably question whether customers suffered any damages by the claimed shortfall. One might further question how plaintiffs’ counsel could possibly prove any sort of claim on a class-wide basis. Nonetheless, the fact that such questions come to mind shows the pervasiveness of class action litigation in today’s society. The issues inherent in the current use of the class action device are of such importance that the U.S. Supreme Court’s current docket features five merits cases involving class action claims. Those Supreme Court cases, along with a number of other cutting-edge class action topics, will be the subject of DRI’s 2013 Class Action Seminar, which will take place at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, DC on July 25 and 26. DRI members interested in this area of law will want to attend this Program.